Angels Fight, Guard, and Celebrate

The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels

September 25, 2022

Angels Fight, Guard, and Celebrate



All too often at funerals, I’ve heard folks say about the deceased –

“God gained an angel.”

But that’s not true.

We don’t become angels when we die.


If we understand angels correctly – who they are and what they do – it’s for our benefit.

The Scriptures don’t have a clear dogmatic answer on angels,

But one thing is clear from Scripture: angels exist!

Unfortunately, some Christians don’t believe in angels,

Or that angels aren’t really active today.

They think, “Sure – the archangel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to some shepherds at Christmas,

But that doesn’t mean they’re active today? For me? Right now? “


Unfortunately, we fail to recognize what we can’t touch, hear, or feel.

Since we can’t observe the spiritual dimension,

We fail to recognize the spiritual battles that take place around us –

Each day, each hour, each minute.

There’s a battle between good angels and evil angels over your soul –

Each day, each hour, each minute.

To quote a wise pastor – “we’d be a lot better off if we believed in angels.”


Scripture mentions that angels have different ranks and duties in service to God.

God created different angels, with different purposes, with different hierarchical orders.

And these differences in role and function is God intentioned and God pleasing.

It can be compared to how God has created man and woman here on earth:

With distinct roles, functions, and vocations in service to God’s kingdom –

and that’s a good thing according to God’s created order!


Each order of angels has their own place and their own duty.

Some angels stay in heaven – like the Serphim and Cherubim (Is. 6 and Ez. 10).

But then other angels are sent by God to tend to the needs of man on earth.

Like the archangels Gabriel and Michael (Luke 1, Jude 1)

Or the “common” angel, or as we may call them sometimes, a guardian angel.


As we observe the Feast of St. Michael and all angels,

We remember that,

These angels fight for us, guard us from evil, and celebrate the victory of the Lamb with us.



It’s odd to think of angels as Warriors,

Especially since pop-culture makes angels into cute cuddly creatures with wings.

But that’s what they are – they’re warriors.

They fight against Satan and his angels in cosmic battle.


Scripture specifically talks about Michael and his angels fighting Satan in heaven.

The reading from Revelation says, “Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world – he was thrown down to the earth and his angels were thrown down with him.”


This war broke out because Satan would approach God and accuse His people of their sins.

We see an example of this happening in the book of Job,

When Satan questions Job’s faithfulness to God.

We also see it happening when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan.

He was a tempter, and accuser,

and tried to wield God’s justice and wrath absent of mercy.


Yet, God sought to use justice and mercy together – one can’t be had without another.

You see, God values mankind. But Satan doesn’t.

Thus, the heavenly war between God’s obedient angels and the rebellious demonic angels broke out.

By the blood of Christ shed on the cross, to atone for the sin of the entire world,

and by the word of their testimony, the angels conquered Satan.

Not because of any of their own weapons, but because of the Word and blood of God.

Luke 10:18 quotes Jesus saying “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

And so, Satan and his evil angels now dwell on earth with us, here below.


That sounds scary.

That Satan and his demons are here.

We just heard from the reading that Satan lost the fight against God in heaven,

And then at the end it says “Woe to you earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”

Luther once said, “A Christian should know that he is sitting among devils and that the devil is closer to him than his coat or shirt, nay, closer than his own skin.”


But the Christian doesn’t need to be terrified.

Because God sends His angels to guard His people on earth.

Psalm 91:11 says “He will command his angels concerning you,

To guard you in all your ways. On their hands, they will bear you up,

Lest you strike your foot against a stone.”

Unless we stumble in the faith and reject the cleansing blood of Christ received in the means of grace, the angels are here to guard us here on earth.


Michael is described in the Old Testament reading as a guardian of God’s people.

And our Gospel reading talks of the little children whom Jesus cares for,

Having angels!

Presumably, to guard them against the great tempter and deceiver,

And minister to their needs,

Much like how the angels ministered to Jesus after His 40 days fast in the wilderness.


Michael and his angels guard you with the same weapons that gained victory in heaven:

The blood of Christ, and the Word which proclaims Christ’s victory from the cross!

They work with these weapons against Satan and His demons today.

Here in church, we eat and drink the body and blood of Christ which was shed on the cross, granting forgiveness, life, and salvation.

With these things, the angels protect us.


I’ve heard quite a few remarkable stories from some of you here at Zion,

About the protection granted to you by angels.

Your stories aren’t mine to tell,

But the spiritual protection, and at times, physical protection,

Granted by God’s angles,

Are evidence that God values mankind.

For the guardianship of His angels surround the reality that God values you.



Finally, the last duty of an angel is to celebrate with us the eternal victory over Satan.

Revelation 12:12 tells of heavens joy of this victory –

“Therefore, rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!”

For Satan can no longer accuse sinners of sin before God.

They’ve been cleansed by the blood of the lamb!


The heavenly anthems constantly ring out in praise of Christ’s redemptive work!

In Revelation 5:11-13 the angels sing “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain,

To receive power and wealth and wisdom and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing!” […]

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”

If you notice, these anthems were sung by us here in church today,

in the church’s anthem – “This is the Feast”.


Then, in singing the Sanctus, we also join the choir angels who sing “holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory!” from Isaiah 6.

In our liturgy, we celebrate with angels, the lamb who sits on the throne,

Whose blood has covered us, and set us free from sin, death, and the devil,

To be God’s people.


This gives great comfort.

For our worship is not done alone, or in vain.

But we heap praises and thanksgivings with the angels,

to God in reception of the gifts of heaven –

That is, the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony.


By these means, the angels serve even the littlest among us –

Even Jaxson now – who’s been baptized,

Marked and redeemed with the name of God!

God’s holy angels surround, protect, and guard all His children,

From every evil of body and soul.


God’s angels are divine warriors who fight the evil foe,

Who protect and guard his children against the rage of Satan in this world,

And who celebrate the victory of the Lamb.

For all glory, dominion, power, and might,

Be to our God and the Lamb forever. Amen.





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