in Lent
What are the benefits of this eating and drinking?
What are the benefits of this Eating and Drinking? Lenten Midweek 2 INI The question of “what” concerning the Sacrament last week now shifts to “why”? Why should we eat His body and drink His...
in Lent
Be Persistent Through Silence
Be Persistent through Silence Lent 2 T Matthew 15:21-28 INI Lent is all about engaging in battle. Last week, we heard about Jesus and Satan engaging in battle. Of course, Jesus came away victorious....
in Lent
Not By Bread Alone
Not by Bread Alone Matthew 4:1-11 T Lent 1 INI “Since God permits you to hunger and you still continue to live, you ought indeed grasp the thought that God nourishes you without bread...
Out with the Old, In with the New
Out with the Old, In with the New February 22, 2023 T 2 Peter 1:2-11 INI It’s time to hit the reset. It’s time for a bit of spring cleaning with our habits. It’s...
in Pre-Lent
Faith Follows the Christ
Faith Follows the Christ Luke 18:31-43 T Quinquagesima INI Lent is here. Which means its time to die. It’s time for you to die to yourself – your cares, riches, pleasures, sinful desires. It’s...
in Pre-Lent
Take Care of How You Hear
Take Care of How You Hear Sexagesima T Luke 8:4-15 INI The Word of God is powerful. It’s active, sharper than any two-edged sword. God injects power into His Word to give growth to...
in Pre-Lent
Eyes on the Master
Eyes on the Master Matthew 20:1-16 T Septuagesima INI The parable from Matthew 20 indicates that there’s no distinction between what God gives His children on the Last Day. It doesn’t matter if you’ve...
Scriptures Reveal the Christ
Scriptures Reveal the Christ Transfiguration Sunday T Mat 17:1-9 & 2 Pet 1:16-21 INI By nature, all human beings have original sin. Which means, we’re prone to wonder away from God. We’re prone to ignore...
in Advent
All Our Ways are Defined by Christ our King
All our Ways are Defined by Christ our King John 1:19-28 T Advent 4 INI When people listened to John the Baptist, The road of their heart was paved for Christ to enter...
in Advent
Advent Baptism Series: The Water and the Office
The Water and the Office: Jesus the Baptizer Advent 3 T Matthew 28:16-20 (Adapted From Dr. Masaki’s Baptism Series in CPR Vol. 28, Part 3 Series B) INI One knows nothing of baptism without answering...