in Easter
Fear the Risen Christ – Easter Sunday
Fear the Risen Christ Mark 16:1-8 T Easter Sunday INI Alleluia, Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia! What does Christ’s resurrection do for you? Do you know? Why is His resurrection so important?...
in Holy Week
Story Telling the Faith – Easter Vigil
Story-Telling the Faith Easter Vigil INI The one true faith is passed on through storytelling. At the center of the Passover meal, which Jesus celebrated with His disciples on Maundy Thursday, was storytelling. They would...
in Holy Week
Meditations on the Crucifix – Good Friday
Meditations for “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” Good Friday (Adapted from Kenneth Korby From CPRVol 15, Part 2, Series A “Meditating on the Crucifix”) INI Meditation #1 – Intro The Crucifix is a long-standing fixture...
in Holy Week
Jesus is the Passover Lamb of the New Covenant
Jesus is the Passover Lamb of the New Covenant Maundy Thursday INI Christians know good and well the important days of the church year – that being Christmas and Easter. Christmas, the time being when...
in Lent
What kind of King is Jesus?
What Kind of King is Jesus? Palm Sunday T Zechariah 9:9-12; John 12:12-19 INI What kind of King is Jesus? Palm Sunday clearly teaches that Jesus has come to be King. He came into Jerusalem,...
in Lent
The Taste of Death and The Taste of Life
The Taste of Death and the Taste of Life John 8:46-59 T Lent 5 INI The Lenten theme of “battles” now turns towards a different sort of battle. The direct combat between Satan...
in Lent
Eat as the Lord bids You to Do
Eat as the Lord Bids You To John 6:1-15 T Lent 4 INI Why do folks come to church? What is it that we seek from God? Surely, there are specific things that we seek...
in Lent
Confess Sins, Confess God
Confess Sins, and Confess God Lent 3 T Luke 11:14-28 INI In the previous weeks, the battle had been against Satan and Jesus. Then it shifted to the battle that we at times have with...
in Lent
Vertical and Horizontal Planes of the Lord’s Supper
Vertical and Horizontal Planes of the Lord’s Supper Lent Midweek 5 INI In this final week, the topic that we take up in our Lenten series expands on the question “who”. Who should be taking...
in Lent
The How and Who of the Lord’s Supper
The “How” and “Who” of the Lord’s Supper Lenten Midweek 3 INI So far in our series over the Lord’s Supper, we’ve discussed the “what”, the “why”, and tonight, we’ll discuss the “how”. The “What”...