Sermons by Pastor Joshua Ralston


What kind of King is Jesus?

Speaker: | April 06, 2023

What Kind of King is Jesus? Palm Sunday T Zechariah 9:9-12; John 12:12-19 INI What kind of King is Jesus? Palm Sunday clearly teaches that Jesus has come to be King. He came into Jerusalem,...


Confess Sins, Confess God

Speaker: | April 06, 2023

Confess Sins, and Confess God Lent 3 T Luke 11:14-28 INI In the previous weeks, the battle had been against Satan and Jesus. Then it shifted to the battle that we at times have with...


The How and Who of the Lord’s Supper

Speaker: | April 06, 2023

The “How” and “Who” of the Lord’s Supper Lenten Midweek 3 INI So far in our series over the Lord’s Supper, we’ve discussed the “what”, the “why”, and tonight, we’ll discuss the “how”. The “What”...


Be Persistent Through Silence

Speaker: | March 06, 2023

Be Persistent through Silence Lent 2 T Matthew 15:21-28 INI             Lent is all about engaging in battle. Last week, we heard about Jesus and Satan engaging in battle. Of course, Jesus came away victorious....


Not By Bread Alone

Speaker: | February 28, 2023

Not by Bread Alone Matthew 4:1-11 T Lent 1 INI             “Since God permits you to hunger and you still continue to live, you ought indeed grasp the thought that God nourishes you without bread...