Sermons by Pastor Joshua Ralston


Jesus Answers Despair

Speaker: | July 11, 2023

Jesus Answers Despair 1 Kings19:11-21; Luke 5:1-11 T Trinity 5 INI In our Wednesday evening Bible Studies, we’ve covered some heavy topics – abortion, addiction, suicide, divorce. We’ll cover many others but these weighty spiritual...


Repentance Changes a Man

Speaker: | June 23, 2023

  Repentance Changes a Man Luke 15:1-32 T Trinity 3 Lord, your grace is so vast and our sins so great. Teach us repentance always. Show us mercy always. Change us, that we may rejoice...


Tell the Great News of This Banquet!

Speaker: | June 20, 2023

Out of His grace, God has provided us this Great Banquet! It’s a banquet beyond compare! What we have here – in this church, at this altar, is miraculous! It’s unbelievable! Just think about what...


God’s Blueprints – Pentecost

Speaker: | May 30, 2023

God’s Blueprint Pentecost T Genesis 9:1-9, Acts 2:1-21, 36 INI Blueprints are technical drawings for a building in construction. They’re a written down detailed plan for the overall design of the building. The blueprints have...


Apostolic Witness – Easter 2

Speaker: | April 28, 2023

INI Alleluia, Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed, alleluia! As the Passover Lamb given on behalf of sinners, Christ gave Himself up for all humanity on the cross. His blood paid the ransom payment...