Pentecost is a Premier Holy Day
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | June 03, 2020
Epistle: Acts 2:1-21 Gospel: John 14:23-31
in Ascension
Gone, but not Away
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | May 28, 2020
The Ascension of our Lord – May 24, 2020 Gospel: Luke 24:44-53
in Easter
Healing Still at the Cross, Especially During Pandemic
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | May 17, 2020
The Sixth Sunday After Easter Old Testament Lesson: Numbers 21:4-9 Gospel: John 16:23-30
in Easter
The Goodness of the Good Shepherd
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | April 26, 2020
The Third Sunday of Easter – Good Shepherd Sunday Gospel Text: John 10:11-16
in Easter
“Unfaithful” Thomas
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | April 22, 2020
The Second Sunday of Easter Gospel Text: John 20:19-31
Easter Sunday
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | April 12, 2020
Easter Sunday – April 12,2020 Gospel: Mark 16:1-8
Maundy Thursday – John 13:1-15
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | April 10, 2020
Maundy Thursday – April 9, 2020 Gospel: John 13:1-15
in Lent
Who is Jesus and What does He say?
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | March 31, 2020
The Fifth Sunday in Lent – 03/29/2020 Gospel: John 8:46-59
in Grace, Lent, Lord's Supper
Sustained with Bread from Heaven
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Ralston | March 24, 2020
Fourth Sunday in Lent Old Testament Reading: Exodus 16:2-21 Gospel: John 6:1-15