in Epiphany
The Bridegroom Provides New Wine
The Bridegroom Provides New Wine Epiphany 2 T John 2:1-11 INI Jesus said that new wine can’t be put into old wineskins. If you do, it’ll just bust open. The new wine can’t be held...
in Epiphany
The Son’s Glory Revealed – Epiphany 1
The Son’s Glory Revealed Epiphany 1 T Luke 2 INI Jesus’ first recorded words in all four Gospels come from when He was a 12-year-old boy. He said, “Why are you looking for me? Did you...
in Christmas
Evil Used for Good
Evil Used for Good Christmas 2 T All Readings INI Ever since the Christ child was born, His life was fraught with peril. His poor mother couldn’t even find proper lodging to give birth, so...
in Trinity 24
Wake Up!
Wake Up Trinity 24 T Isaiah 55:9-16 WAKE. UP. …. Imagine telling God that. And sometimes, in indirect ways, that’s just what we do. In our Old Testament reading, the prophet Isaiah prophesied to God’s...
in Trinity 20
Wedding Guests Demonstrate God’s Grace
Wedding Guests Demonstrate God’s Grace Matthew 22:1-14 T Trinity 20 INI God loves weddings. In Scripture, He frequently uses the bride and groom imagery to describe His masculine, self-giving relationship to His bride, the...
Spiritual Warfare – The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels
Spiritual Warfare Revelation 12:7-12 T Feast of St. Mihael and All Angels INI The physical world is saturated with the spiritual world. For various reasons, people believe heaven is off in the clouds, and hell...
in Trinity 17
Humility In Jesus
Humility in Jesus Trinity 17 T Luke 14:1-11 INI Pride causes one to go like this (hug myself). It protects oneself at all costs. It can’t admit failures and wrongdoings, especially against God’s...
in Trinity 12
Jesus Cures the Ears and the Tongue
Jesus Cures the Ears and the Tongue Trinity 12 T Mark 7:31-37 INI Your heart is shaped by what you hear. If you consume gossip, greedy talk, hateful words, prideful speech, people trying to gain...
in Trinity 11
The Nature of Sinners and the Justified
The Nature of Sinners and the Justified Ephesians 2:1-10, Luke 18:9-14 T Trinity 11 INI In a different text, Jesus tells the ‘parable of the weeds’ in Matthew 13:24-30. But it helps us see...
in Trinity 10
God’s Word of Warning for His Children – Trinity 10
Words of Warning for God’s Children Luke 19:41-48 T Trinity 10 INI Throughout the Scriptures, God is constantly acting like a Father to His children who’ve lost their way. He does so in our...