in Lent
Christ, the Victor
Christ the Victor Invocabit Sunday T Matthew 4:1-11 INI The first Sunday in Lent is called ‘Invocabit’ Sunday, which is Latin for “to call upon”. This tells us about our disposition towards God, especially during...
in Lent
What kind of King is Jesus?
What Kind of King is Jesus? Palm Sunday T Zechariah 9:9-12; John 12:12-19 INI What kind of King is Jesus? Palm Sunday clearly teaches that Jesus has come to be King. He came into Jerusalem,...
in Lent
The Taste of Death and The Taste of Life
The Taste of Death and the Taste of Life John 8:46-59 T Lent 5 INI The Lenten theme of “battles” now turns towards a different sort of battle. The direct combat between Satan...
in Lent
Eat as the Lord bids You to Do
Eat as the Lord Bids You To John 6:1-15 T Lent 4 INI Why do folks come to church? What is it that we seek from God? Surely, there are specific things that we seek...
in Lent
Confess Sins, Confess God
Confess Sins, and Confess God Lent 3 T Luke 11:14-28 INI In the previous weeks, the battle had been against Satan and Jesus. Then it shifted to the battle that we at times have with...
in Lent
Vertical and Horizontal Planes of the Lord’s Supper
Vertical and Horizontal Planes of the Lord’s Supper Lent Midweek 5 INI In this final week, the topic that we take up in our Lenten series expands on the question “who”. Who should be taking...
in Lent
The How and Who of the Lord’s Supper
The “How” and “Who” of the Lord’s Supper Lenten Midweek 3 INI So far in our series over the Lord’s Supper, we’ve discussed the “what”, the “why”, and tonight, we’ll discuss the “how”. The “What”...
in Lent
What are the benefits of this eating and drinking?
What are the benefits of this Eating and Drinking? Lenten Midweek 2 INI The question of “what” concerning the Sacrament last week now shifts to “why”? Why should we eat His body and drink His...
in Lent
Be Persistent Through Silence
Be Persistent through Silence Lent 2 T Matthew 15:21-28 INI Lent is all about engaging in battle. Last week, we heard about Jesus and Satan engaging in battle. Of course, Jesus came away victorious....
in Lent
Not By Bread Alone
Not by Bread Alone Matthew 4:1-11 T Lent 1 INI “Since God permits you to hunger and you still continue to live, you ought indeed grasp the thought that God nourishes you without bread...