Coronavirus Update
The Coronavirus pandemic is unsettling. It can cause fear, anxiety, and even panic. In these times, gathering as the body of Christ can be of great comfort. Christ gives His gifts from the altar and pulpit to still all chaos and concern, continuing His work of forgiving you and strengthening your faith. Come if you feel well. If you do not, please stay at home.
If you are a part of the high-risk group and wish to stay at home, call to inform Pastor Ralston at 501-454-0581. He will give pastoral care to you if you wish.
Be comforted knowing that Zion Lutheran is taking extra precautions. For example, we will be eliminating, within our control, most physical contact with people and objects.
So, instead of shaking hands, you’re encouraged to bump fists, touch elbows, or just leave greetings with a simple “Good morning.”
We advise folks to not hold the communion rail when communion is served. If it’s needed to get up and down from a kneeling position, standing to receive our Lord’s body and blood is acceptable. The Lord’s body will be placed directly into the hand instead of in the mouth. We will withhold the use of the common cup for the time being.
We will not pass around the offering plate – rather, you may give your offering to the usher as he dismisses each pew. Also, you are encouraged to give online through your bank or mail in a check. This way, even if you miss a few Sundays, we’re able to still care for the church’s earthly needs. If you need help setting this up, contact your bank.
PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS! Wash your hands before church, and after church. We will also have hand-sanitizer available for use. Use wise personal hygiene practices during this time.
Keep in touch with one another and provide any love and support you can – “encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Pastor Ralston. His cell phone is 501-454-0581. The church office’s number is 479-331-3277. You may also email him at
We pray: Spare Your people, O Lord! Preserve us from this and every illness. Give healing and strength to those who are sick, protect those who care for them, and grant us steady minds and calm hearts in the face of fear. You have borne our infirmities in this human flesh and purchased us with Your own blood. Keep us in this faith and embolden us in love; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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